Life literally comes to a standstill. Traffic moves(rather crawls) at a snail's pace. But everything looks shiny and bright, washed and clean. My days in Noida and Delhi are coming to a close. I dont know if I will ever get to stay here again. I have known this place for the past five and a half years. I am so used to this place that I did not realise how much I am a part of it until I decided I have to move to bangalore.
This happens all the time, doesnt it? We have to keep moving, and do things we never imagined we would be doing. We have to leave everything behind and walk on as if there are no strings attached. Still hopeful that the next bend in the road leads to more light and will probably compensate for the losses. But voids never get filled. We learn to live with them and are happy with the pain of separation because unwittingly we are always destined to find something we can hold on to - a glimpse of a ray of light behing the clouds, a little smile, a warm touch, the places we go.
Rains are are a refuge for me. I love walking in the rain. I relive my days since childhood, playing in the rain on the rooftop, jamming drains for boat races, running around with friends in the fields in my village, laughing and splashing with friends in school and college. And now when my heart aches for all that was mine, I just love walking solitary in the rain, facing the sky with the raindrops in my eyes. I try catching some of them, but never enough to fill the gashes and zeroes that intersperse my being.
Still I love the December rain, that sends the temperatures plunging.
one thing i can promise you , u'll long for rains i bangalooru too :-)
Rains will be scarce in Bangalore, I agree, but I will find other media for my walks.
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