Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Motivation Trashed

Another new year. Old table top calendars invariably find their way to the trash bins. This particular calendar caught my attention one evening, while I stood by the printer. And I smiled.
Motivation is the reason for an action, a cause which drives us to action towards a desired goal. But there are cases just like this picture where an individual works aimlesslessly, just for the sake of it or because it is required, and there is no way out in sight, or the person is trapped and finds it hard to breathe. Circumstances rule our lives.
We can let the circumstances rule us for a while(a short while at that), when we do not have a concrete solution, but sooner or later, we have to emerge out of the quicksand, come what may! Life cannot be lived just because it has to be lived, and is not in our hands. And even this sapped state of energies is a motivation to recuperate and spring back.


esirah said...

Nice post ... I really agree with and like what you said about "springing back" from a state where circumstances rule us. I'm glad I found your blog and I hope you keep writing because I think I'll enjoy reading.

Jaya said...

Thanks. Now that I am here I intend to keep writing.